Sunday, August 15, 2010

And Then the Sparks Started to Fly . . .

July 4, 2010

Long-time readers of this blog will appreciate the sacrifice we had to make in spending July 4th at the home of my parents. Since our move to Washington, we began a family tradition of attending the Quatro de Julio Parade in Pasco. Alas, we missed the yearly check-out of our favorite mullet and the sabor of an authentic mexican helado. Instead we had sparklers, a few rounds of Bang!, and a fireworks display seen from my parents' front lawn.

Oh, yeah. And to start the holiday off right, all 20 of us invaded my parents' ward (church) for my nephew Thane's baby blessing. I stole this pic from my sis-in-law Erin's blog. You can't tell now, but Ally was trying to lift up my skirt the whole time while Cora was trying to pluck Chris' chin hairs.

1 comment:

tkangaroo said...

I love how hard Cora is concentrating. Too funny!