Tuesday, July 8, 2008

So much to write

So, I started this blog about a week ago and am already failing miserably at posting things. I see that a sister-in-law has tracked me down (Hi Katie!). Now that I know I have an audience of at least one, I shall hopefully be more motivated to stay on top of things.

Once again, it's late at night so I'm finding it difficult to think. We have been enjoying our new life here in Richland and have taken Ally on several memorable adventures over the past 2 months. (Check out our pictures if you haven't already done so.) We're trying to cram as much culture into her as possible so that she'll be a smart, well-rounded child. That, and Chris and I would go nuts if we stayed at home all the time.

The Fourth of July was great. We went into Pasco (little Mexico) for a parade. Ally got to see lots of horses and people. Chris got to take lots of pictures. And I got to eat a real horchata/rice popsicle from the hombre de paletas that came pedaling by. I didn't think anything could've beat that, until Chris and I spotted something amazing. What got us so excited? Well, thankfully Chris had the camera ready, so see if you can pick it out of this photo:

Do you see it? Can it be true?

That kid has the sweetest mullet we've seen this decade. His parents must be so proud! Anyway, it sure makes me proud to be an American . . .

We returned to Pasco in the evening to watch some fireworks from the baseball stadium. It was the perfect place to be--as long as you can withstand the country singer impersonators performing the pre-show. Ally kept herself occupied by dancing to the music and running up and down the stands. Since the stadium overlooks the Tri-Cities area, we were able to see the stadium fireworks, as well as those exploding along the Columbia River in Kennewick and over the houses in Richland. Paletas, mullets, and panoramic fireworks. . . I couldn't ask for anything more.

1 comment:

Katherine said...

Hi Karen! That mullet is scary. As is the guy with the long blond hair and goatee. Maybe he's the father of the mullet.