Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Un Gran Comienzo

If anyone happens upon this, WELCOME! I really don't have anything to say at the moment and should definitely be in bed right now. Sleep is a rare and precious commodity when you spend your days chasing after a one-year-old and trying to keep an impossible husband happy. (Don't worry; the last bit is just a joke.) I actually love Chris so much that I decided to name this site in his honor. Well, that, and all the regular "Hoffman" site names have already been taken. (So were "HotHousewife", "InsaneRN", and "Chicharrones". I can't believe someone else thought of those first!) I guess I pretty much set up this account and started blogging tonight in an effort to reserve a decent name. I hope to do it justice.

I don't consider myself to be old (Is 30 old?), but I'm starting to feel that way when it comes to computer technology these days. Some of my siblings and I would make fun of my mother for needing complete, detailed instructions and multiple "show-me-how-to-do-that-again" sessions in order to use her laptop and associated gadgets. Hopefully I'll soon learn how to post some interesting stuff here, or I might become the recipient of such taunting. I know my dear hubby would be more than willing to help me out, but I'm also sure he'd be quick to point out that I'm turning into my mother. . .

So, once again I say Welcome. (How did you find me here anyway?) Hopefully I will have some pictures and videos of Ally posted here soon. Just admit it, that's the real reason why you tracked our blog down anyway. Good night!

1 comment:

Katherine said...

Let's see, I found you because after you accepted the invitation to my blog I followed a link to your profile. Your profile brought me here. Hi!

I was suprised to realize you're 30, but then Kev reminded me that he is 26. Y'all are so old.