Monday, February 2, 2009

Viva el Groundhog!

NEW YORK (WABC): Everyone knows what it means when a groundhog sees his shadow. But what does the future hold if he bites the mayor's hand?

Punxsutawney Phil

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS: The world's most famous groundhog saw his shadow Monday morning, predicting that this already long winter will last for six more weeks.

Phil was as docile as usual, but the same couldn't be said for his grumpy New York City counterpart, Staten Island Chuck, who bit Mayor Michael Bloomberg during his annual forecasting ceremony on Monday.

The groundhog, officially named Charles G. Hogg, drew blood from the billionaire, but Bloomberg was told there was no risk of rabies. The 2-year-old animal was born and raised in captivity and has had no interaction with other animals.

These articles made me laugh, but Phil's prediction made me sad for all you helpless souls that are still stuck in the snow. Of course, you can choose to instead believe the mayor-hating, ghetto-loving, knock-off groundhog from the north who says spring is near. But I wouldn't trust him; he might just turn around and bite you.

Happy Groundhog Day! May the repeating snowstorms soon end. . .

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