Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Something Exciting

As we were preparing for bed last night, Ally made an often-requested request: "Ally pee-pee in the potty?" The girl loves to pretend to use the facilities-- even on the airplanes-- over and over and over again. Her newest twist on this never-ending game is to pretend to read while pretending to go. (I wonder where she got that from?)

A few seconds after Ally sat on the toilet this time, I heard the unexpected but glorious sound of fluid trickling into the water below. I'm not saying the kid is potty-trained, but Ally really did pee-pee in the potty! She gave me a big grin, and then demanded to see the "Barrack Obama" Reader's Digest. And with that, our normal life continues forward. . .

1 comment:

Callie said...

Congratulations!! I know how exciting potty training can be. My little Isabelle has been doing great using the potty. She will be wearing big girl undies this next week, no pull-ups. We'll see how she does.