Friday, April 15, 2011

You've Had a Birthday Shout Hooray!

So, as usual, it's time for a little back-blogging. Cora turned one back in December. (You know, before Christmas, and New Years, and Valentine's, and Ally's gymnastics debut, and Ally's birthday . . .) Since she couldn't tell us what she wanted to do for her big celebration, we let Ally translate Cora's babbling for us. That's how we ended up playing at Chuck E Cheese for the evening. Two of our little friends and their mom met us there to join in the fun. Cora enjoyed riding in the cars, crawling from toy to toy, and watching the other girls as they spent their tokens. She also made a lot of phone calls while Ally enjoyed skeeball and other games with Daddy.

As they giggled and played, our girls worked up a voracious appetite. I'm not a fan of paying for cardboard pizza (Sorry, Chuck E), so we asked Ally to help Cora choose a good restaurant for her birthday dinner. Her pick? Indian. (Who takes their one-year-old to an Indian restaurant for their birthday?) So, we went down the street to the Indian restaurant and had ourselves a really fine tasting meal that-- ironically-- looked a lot like pureed baby food.

Here's a pic of Ally drinking our shared Mango Lassi. The glass was about as big as Ally's head, but Cora still managed to down at least half of it. Good thing she had reached the legal drinking age for raw honey. (Now that I think about it, we celebrated her birthday one day early, but don't let the MD know. Shhh!)

I made Cora a Pooh Bear cake, and we let her have first dibs at destroying it. She started out by daintily caressing his cheek, but she eventually dug her way into the frosting and the chocolate on his nose. I'd say the cake was a success, although we didn't get around to eating much of it. And Cora enjoyed ripping into her presents, too. So, happy belated-blog birthday wishes, Cora! (Like she's really aware of it anyway.)
We love you!

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