Friday, January 22, 2010

Visitors and Visiting

We really haven't been up to much since Cora was born, but we sure have shown her off quite a bit. I figured the easiest way to update this blog is by showing you with whom Cora has visited. (More visitors are welcomed anytime. . .)

Visitor #1 was Jess. She showed up the night before Cora was born and was one of the first to greet her. Cora's favorite activites her first week of life included sleeping, eating, pooping, peeing, shopping at Target, and taking Mommy and Ally to the dentist (I think we were there 3 times that week).

Speaking of the dentist . . . I'll have to admit it: my 2-year-old has already had a cavity or 2 (or 3). Fortunately Ally has always loved going to the dentist. She comes to my appointments and sits on my lap instead of playing at a friend's house 'cause she loves being at the dentist that much. I figured she'd do just fine while they worked on her 2 front teeth (just in time for Christmas), and I was right. She laid there with the headphones on, watching TV and contentedly kicking her feet up and down. Her only issue came when the dentist was all done.

Ally sat up in the chair. I told her I was proud of her and then asked her for a hug. She got a concerned look on her face, melted into my arms, and started to whimper. When I asked Ally what was wrong she said, "I want my lip back." What? Oh! She thought the dentist had stolen her lip! Have you ever tried convincing a 2-year-old their body part is still there even though they can't feel it? Ally calmed down a bit when I showed her in the mirror that her face was intact, but she still looked confused and had her doubts. Thankfully the lidocaine wore off after a few hours. Then she told me her lip came back and would repeatedly (and happily) tell the story, "Remember when the dentist took my lip off. . ."

Grandma and Grandpa Winters arrived when Cora was almost 2 weeks old. Their stockings were placed by our fireplace with care in hopes that Saint Nicholas soon would be there, so they had to stay for Christmas. They were also here for our icy New Years and for Cora's blessing at church. Cora didn't make a peep during the blessing, and apparently was wide-eyed and happy the entire time. Hands down, Cora's favorite activity was snuggling with my Dad. She also continued to enjoy the basics of eating, sleeping, and pooping. And Ally's favorite activities? Loving on her sister, running around the house, and trying to boss Grandma around.

My sister Amy showed up for a few days around New Years. We're glad she choose to spend time with us while the factory was closed for the holidays. We think she should leave the lasagna-making to someone else and move in with us.

We've also traveled up to Spokane to visit our relatives there. Ally has loved running around with my cousin's son Ethan. He needs to come down here and play sometime. Cora's favorite activity in Spokane is taking naps with my Grandma. They are so cute together. Can you believe there are 95 years between the two of them?

And a final 2 pictures. . .

Ally looks so big when we compare her to Cora. But then she looks so tiny when we put her in the comically over-sized swing. Cora, of course, looks even tinier when in the hands of my cousin Rob.

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