Saturday, March 14, 2009


We had great plans to do something crazy and spectacular tonight.
Ally was so excited to "see monster trucks with eyes". I'm not sure she fully understood what the event would entail, but she did know there'd be a large reptile and lots of cool cars. Alas, it wasn't meant to be. Apparently going to the Monster Truck Show is not as odd-ball an idea as we had thought; as we pulled into the arena parking lot, we were told it had sold out. It was as if the fire-breathing dinobot had snatched our little Ally and crushed every last dream out of her right then and there. (We'll have to actually plan ahead next time and procure tickets in advance. Who would've thunk it?) Luckily, Ally still suffers from occasional short term memory loss and doesn't remember we were actually going to see the monster trucks instead of just talk about them. Besides, we were able to find something just as fun and exciting to entertain us for the evening.

First stop: Costco for some gas. Let the excitement begin!

Second stop: The mall. Because nothing heals a disappointed heart like perusing the pitiful remains of middle school Science Fair projects at the local consumerism hub. The displays had been up all weekend, but by the time we arrived at 8 pm most of them had already been torn down (or torn apart). I can only assume that the owners of the posters we saw were either (1) very proud of their work and wanted everyone to see it or (2) didn't really care about the project and had forgotten all about it the minute it was put up. I guess a third reason for abandoning their work could be that they were too busy having fun at the Monster Truck Show without us . . .
Ally and I posed by my favorite. If you click on the picture to get a larger shot, you'll see a blatant misspelling: "EXPIREMENTS". Please pay no attention to my big hair or Ally's unkempt mullet. Remember, we had a completely different destination in mind when we had left the house and so I hadn't seen the need to do our hair up all nice and fancy. . .


Kevin said...

Wow, I watch NASCAR but I don't go to monster truck rallies. Hicks! No mention of the mullet. Apparently, science project standards have dropped. Where did the 109 and 120 lbs limits come from? Were all of the test boards the same dimensions?

Karen (but sometimes Chris) said...

I stopped paying attention to the EXPIREMENT as soon as I read the typo in the title. I don't have any answers for you. All I know is that you've got way too much time on your hands if you tried to read the poster and dissect the info . . .