Friday, August 12, 2011

East Coast 2011: High-Flying Antics

July 7, 2011

Our marathon East Coast Vacation got off to a very early start. We had to pull the children out of bed for our 5:25 am departure. Although excited for vacation, Ally kept trying to curl up on her pillow and go back to sleep. Cora was walking down the hall like a drunk woman, giggling and running into the walls. My friend Sarah was kind enough to drop us off at the airport (at least we were leaving from Pasco) and we were on our way!

Our first flight was perfect. The girls were awake, more-coherent, and very happy by the time we took off. As with every flight, Ally verbally reviewed all the safety precautions-- including differences in evacuation procedures for "crashing into the mountains" versus water landings; Mommy's oxygen mask goes on first, then I help Ally, then we can both help Cora; where our closest exits are; how to slide down the big inflatable slide; buckling up the life jacket and/or using the cushion as a fun flotation device. . .

We had a short layover in Salt Lake City-- not long enough to do anything but run into an old friend, Mike Nicholas, and try to play catch-up with him during a 3 minute conversation. (I sure wish Amanda and the kids had been with him.) Then we hopped on our separate planes.

Fifteen minutes into our next flight, the girls cuddled with Piggy and Pooh, and then fell asleep on each other. After their long naps, Ally entertained herself by writing her letters and numbers in a dollar store workbook and by reading Dr Seuss books. Cora entertained herself by stealing Ally's pencils and eating snacks. Cora also asked to poop on the potty. She peed, but I'd call that a success at 30,000 feet. Chris entertained himself by reading and resting. He seemed to enjoy the flight-- except at the end when a lady stuck her rear-end in his face and he got a whiff of something nasty. Since our next layover was in Memphis, we had barbeque for lunch. It was only so-so.

Our flight from Memphis to Raleigh was more of the same: sodas and pretzels and snacks, magna-doodle and workbooks and crayons. Cora went potty again. (Yes! She's catching on.) Five minutes later, she was asking to do it again. (No! She just thinks it's a game.) I told I wouldn't take her back; someone else was in the bathroom. When the lady came our of the bathroom and walked by us, Cora pointed and said, "She poop on potty. My turn now."

We arrived in Raleigh around 5:30 pm and met Kenny and Paul in the elevator (after they had been joy-riding on the escalators while waiting for us). My friend Jess also showed up at baggage claim to give/receive some much needed hugs. The girl couldn't wait another week to see us (and I felt the same way). We loaded into Kenny's truck, stopped at Chic-Fil-A for dinner, and experienced a big thunderstorm rolling in. Welcome back to NC!

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