Saturday, August 6, 2011

The after-Christmas Party

***This is another "throwback" blog. Blogs about our recent marathon vacation should be coming soon, but you all know by now how that goes. I just couldn't blog about our visit with Jess in NC before blogging about her visit with us in WA-- albeit 7 months ago.***

Jan 7-17, 2011

Ten hours after all our Christmas visitors left, Cora took her first steps.
Six days later, our friend Jess arrived for some post-holiday fun.
Here is what I remember:

We took Jess to Leavenworth, WA. That's the small town outside of Wenatchee that decided to turn itself into a touristy Bavarian getaway in order to survive. We drove through George, Washington on our way-- nothing much there other than a gas station, a water tower, and this bust of George.

We stayed at the same hotel as our previous visit so we could watch the old man stand precariously on the railing and play his long alphorn while we ate breakfast. We swam in the indoor pool, pretended to take a sleigh ride in the lobby, window-shopped around town, ate a German dinner, saw some snowflakes, and took in all the Christmas decorations.

We're always looking for interesting things to do in the Tri-Cities. One afternoon we followed this van to the TRAC for the gun show. Not something any of us needs to do again anytime soon. It was advertised as an antique show as well, but the majority of it was guns and related paraphernalia. Bullets, rifles, stun guns, tasers, pepper spray, or bear mace anyone?

This pic of Ally was by far my favorite part:

We took the girls to the park one afternoon. I'm pretty sure this was Cora's first time going down a slide. Ally was a great big sister and stayed right next to Cora, holding her hand the whole way.

We took Jess to see the Christmas lights at the local landscaping office one night. We sat in the car listening to music, while the lights flickered and danced to the songs.

Jess took me to the eye doctor so I could finally get some new glasses and contacts. The frames (and lenses) I had been wearing were over ten years old; my newest pair broke back in 2008 when Ally pulled them off my face in the middle of church just before we moved to WA. I'd been wearing my "back-ups" ever since. (Why does it take me so long to get anything done?)

I was able to finish Cora's baby quilt. Jess and I had picked out the fabrics, cut the squares, and decided on a pattern during one of her previous visits. I guess it's fitting that she got to see it through to the end; I just wish it hadn't taken me (us) over a year to complete.

We also started on my apron, which I later finished in March. It's an adult-sized lap apron, but Ally likes to wear it around her chest when her own belly protector is dirty. (Can you see Cora in the background, happily rearranging the contents of our recycling bins?)

Well, I believe that covers all the time we spent together, except for all the chatting and the solving of all our problems, too.

We tried to get Jess to live in our basement and be our nanny, but she ultimately chose to hop back on the plane and return to NC.

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