Sunday, May 12, 2013

Facetime with Cora

Cora has been going through a very defiant phase. We have had frequent power struggles-- great and small-- with her. Some of her most favorite times in which to assert her stalwart resolve to not do what is asked come while getting her picture taken. Cora's stubbornness (and expressive nature) has resulted in very precious and unique visual memories.

In the past month alone we have:

Fun at the zoo.
Contemplating our nation's monuments.
Don't bother me.
Enjoying the temple flowers.
Fidgeting at a hockey game with a $4 orange soda stain
around her mouth. (Go Flyers!)
Eating a snack in an effort to avoid the pic.
Eating a fork in an effort to avoid the pic.
Sad bunny.

Tonight, after I pulled out her ponytails and unbraided her hair, Cora begged me to take her picture. She finally decided to look right at the camera, hold relatively normal poses, and smile.

No dancing around.
No weird hand gestures.
No overly-forced smile.
No pouty lips.
No whining or crying.
No crazy head tilts or spastic eyeballs.

Just natural, unedited beauty-- once you look past the eighties-esque wild-child hairdo.



Natalie said...

She has the best faces ever!

Sandy White said...

LOL!! This was great. Yes, I know all about the crazy expressions. I have a terrible time getting Lewis to not put his hands in some crazy configuration when I pull out the camera.