Monday, May 7, 2012

Lest We Forget to Mention It

Ally had a birthday; shout "Hooray!"

We lunched at Chick-Fil-A that day.

Played with friends and ate chicken, too,

Happy (April 5th) Birthday to you!

Ally opened presents in the evening, and then we went out for dinner. She had a hard time choosing where to eat since we now live within 15 minutes of every imaginable type of restaurant.

She and Chris reviewed some options the day before, and Ally made a list of her top choices, but that didn't really help.

In the end, she decided on CiCi's Pizza; it met the requirement of having Mac 'n Cheese-- and it was baked on a pizza!

The next day Ally had a Playdate Party with some of her friends. They dressed up, used play-doh, colored, put stickers on a princess, popped balloons, played musical chairs, blew bubbles, plastered our walkway with chalk, and then decorated cupcakes. At the end of two hours, it looked as though a tornado had gone through our apartment, but a good time was had by all.

Happy 5th Birthday, Princess! We love you.


Amanda said...

Okay enough! Can we please live by each other. I love you guys! Your girls are adorable! I wish we got to go camping with y'all! Come to WI and see us on your next trip -k

Sandy White said...

Loved this post! I especially liked Ally's list of restaurants for her birthday, although Cici's was a bit of a letdown. ;) She is very smart.
Oh, and I used to bump into everything when I was younger too--I was always carrying a book everywhere. I even read while I was delivering papers on my paper route!