Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Food for Thought

Last week I had a sudden urge to do a little "pleasure reading". (This very rarely happens.) I pulled our spiral-bound Joy of Cooking book off the shelf and turned to page 385. Under the heading of POACHED OR "BOILED" LOBSTER, I found this little gem:

The uninitiated are sometimes balked by the intractable appearance of a lobster at table. They may take comfort from the little cannibal who, threading his way through the jungle one day at his mother's side, saw a strange object flying overhead. "Ma, what's that?" he quavered. "Don't worry, sonny," said Ma. "It's an airplane. Airplanes are pretty much like lobsters. There's an awful lot you have to throw away, but the insides are delicious."

I'm not sure how this little snippet would help ease anyone's reservations about a dead crustacean at the dinner table. The Rombauer /Becker clan did a wonderful job writing a comprehensive cooking manual, but they should've left the joke-telling to the professionals. Although, to be truthful, this story's inclusion did make me chuckle.

*** I am quite aware that I am running behind on my blog. I was talking with a friend last night about that very fact. So, sorry I tricked you with this post into thinking I'd finally sat down to write an update. I am still in procrastination/overwhelmed mode, but hope to be more productive/creative/clear-headed enough to write soon. Thanks for stopping by, and remember: Don't ever let your dinner intimidate you!


Natalie said...

Oh the joy of cooking. Too funny.

Andrea said...

Hilarious. NOW I think I'll try lobster. I mean, if cannibals are Ok with it. :)