Friday, August 12, 2011

EC 2011: Drive Me Crazy with a Southern Accent

July 8, 2011

We slept in Friday morning while Grandma and Grampy went to work. We hung out with the Lungers (Chris' sister Colleen and family) in the afternoon and did our best to drive them crazy.

Nate was pretty good about letting Ally drive Cora around the yard, although at one point he did carjack them while they were parked at the swing set. Cora loved the ride so much that she kept climbing right in and then would patiently wait for a driver. She has also learned to go down (and up!) the slide without much fear.

We went to a barbeque place in Wilson for dinner. Chris' Dad was infatuated with the waiter 'cause he looked like Scott McCreery. When the kid asked for my order I had to laugh and say, "Can you say that again s.l.o.w.l.y? His accent was adorable, but my brain just couldn't process the southern-ness of his words. I've lived away from North Carlina for too long.

That night we returned to the Lunger's house where Kenny and Jordan set off some fireworks in the driveway.

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