Friday, May 14, 2010

Lip-Smackin' Fun

Here is a rundown of our children's newest tricks and habits. Some of these talents are totally appropriate and expected, some are questionable in their normality and/or usefulness:

1) Cora can now sit up for short periods of time without toppling over. When she does topple, she usually laughs and laughs and laughs. . .

2) Cora can now purposely roll onto her belly and lift her head up. Ally calls this position "being a dolphin". Cora tolerates being on her belly much better than Ally ever did; maybe it's because she's more patient and content overall. She's feverishly working on flipping back over on her own to avoid Ally "helping" her do so.

3) Cora has discovered more body parts. She chews on her feet, sticks out and rolls her tongue, and smacks her lips.

4) Cora has learned to be very tolerant of Ally's attempts at breastfeeding her. Ally says she understands no milk is going to come out until she's a real mommy, but she still likes to practice with Cora.

5) Cora loves giggling, especially while watching Ally throw a ball. She makes us giggle, too.

1) Ally can throw a ball back and forth.

2) Ally has perfected her somersaulting technique. Thank you, Ella, for inspiring her.

3) Ally picks out her own clothes. Sometimes the colors match, sometimes the type of pattern match, rarely do both match. She's never liked socks and had always refused wearing tights-- until it started getting a lot warmer here. Yes, she went to church that way. Yes, I let her ride that trike in the house.

4) Ally is finally tall enough to turn lights on and off without her green chair. She can reach the switches only if she stands on her tippy-toes and stretches really far, but that's progress.

5) Ally is learning to read. That wasn't my idea, it was hers. She was very adamant that I teach her, so I asked my sis-in-law Erin and got the book she recommended . So far, she's mastered the a, m, s, t, e, and r sounds with me. I'm not making this venture a top priority, so we're only on lesson 10. But when I'm busy with Cora, Ally keeps grabbing the book and skipping ahead. She's figured out sounds and has read words we haven't covered yet. Sometimes I think my child is reading the book on how to teach your child to read so she can teach herself to read. Hopefully her love of learning and the I'll-just-do-it-myself-then attitude will continue in a positive manner.

6) Ally can write her name. Here was her very first attempt. I loved the backward L's. They no longer show up that way. She writes them "rightward" now.

7) Ally has become an expert baby popper-outer. To date, she's been "pregnant" 8 or 9 times. When asked how she got pregnant, it's either because she ran out of diapers or (and this is Chris' favorite) she must have taken too many pills. She knows how to hold her enlarged belly when she walks. She knows how to use the excuse of being pregnant and not feeling well to get out of doing things. She knows you need to go to the doctor for check-ups and ultrasounds. She knows how to lie down and push the baby out. Each baby has been a girl, and each baby has been named Cora. Apparently, her labors are very quick and easy. The first baby came while I was taping Cora's laugh, and I didn't even know it had happened. Ally says her next baby is due this weekend.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Miss you guys & your girls! They are growing too, too fast. Can't wait to see you.