Saturday, February 20, 2010

What the Future May Hold

A few weeks ago we watched a program on TLC about the toddler beauty pageant circuit. (Long live the Southern Glitz!) Ally loved it and immediately started practicing her routine. She says she wants to compete, but not until she's turned 4, so I guess that buys us some time to fine-tune things and come up with the $30 grand for hair, makeup, and wardrobe. I've been hoping the desire to be on "Toddlers and Tiaras" would fade (for multiple reasons), and I think it has. Unfortunately, it's being replaced by a new obsession. Can you tell what we've been watching now?

If a career in the spotlight doesn't pan out for her, Ally can always become a photographer. I had her help me with Cora's 2 month pictures, and here's some of her work.

Ally is a great photographer, but it also helps that she has such a beautiful, laid-back and cooperative model.

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