Friday, September 4, 2009

Living Life

I realize I never finished the last post, and I'm not about to make any attempt to now. If I did, then I'd fall even further behind and you'd never have the pleasure of reading this post. (I'm predicting I'll continue to be a blogging slacker for the next three months. Sorry!) Thanks for the fun times last month, relatives. Ally appreciated getting out of the house and having some new adventures to ramble on and on and on about.

Although I may not have enough energy to blog much about life, I am starting to feel semi-human and have actually begun to live life again. Here's an update of what we've been up to now that I'm not so homebound:

Ally has been dressing up like Tinkerbell and reviewing her princesses and other Disney characters for her big trip. She calls Snow White "Snowflake", but she's cute and can get away with it.

We went to the church campout the second-to-last weekend in August. We pitched our tent right next to the Columbia River. The wind was so bad we had to throw Ally inside to weigh it down while Chris hammered the stakes into the ground. After the hard work was over, Ally and Chris flew their kite. Ashlyn was kind enough to bring her tricycle so Ally could have something to ride on-- She's finally tall enough to reach the pedals with the seat scooted all the way forward!

The next day we took a ride on Ashlyn's boat. Ally wore her life jacket and had no fear jumping into the river and loved being pulled in the tube with me and Ashlyn's mommy. Here she is laughing and waving.

We went to the Benton-Franklin County Fair last week. It was "Fun for the Whole Herd". This is the pig that sneezed on Mommy. Swine flu, anyone?
Ally originally wanted nothing to do with the creature, but I coaxed her into coming closer. I should've just followed my smart child's instinct and stayed away.

Ally got to ride the carousel-- something she's been talking about ever since we bought our fair tickets from the lady. Although she couldn't "buckle up for safety" like Special Agent Oso had taught her, she still had fun going round and round and waving at Daddy. I'd say it was worth the 3 overpriced tickets, but only worth it once.

Ally also got to see some large produce, pretend to be a doctor, hit people with a punch balloon, sample some foods, see a rodeo complete with princesses on horses, and listen to the Beach Boys. What more could a girl ask for? A hair cut you say?

Ally'd been asking to get her hair cut over the past week. I'm not sure where she got the idea from, but I figured it was about time to finally go for it if she's begging. So today was the big day! Don't worry, she still has her curls. She keeps them in a baggy now instead of on her head. They'd make a great toupee for Grandpa.

We went to the library afterward, and Ally paid us back by having a huge tantrum. She finished crying it out in the parking lot (where being quiet isn't so important), and she made a new friend in the process. For all of you who think Ally's always an angel, take a look . . . I am thankful for the kindness (and patience) of strangers.

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