Thursday, April 9, 2009

It's Official: The Terrible, Bossy Twos

Dearest gift-givers,

Ally will be writing and sending you a personalized thank-you card-- eventually. Following our recent track record with untimeliness, Ally may literally be "writing" them. For now, enjoy these videos and know that your contributions to her happiness do not go unnoticed.

So, let the spoiling begin. First up, what's hiding in all those polka dots?

Ally unwraps another new friend.

The book Ally is holding before fetching another surprise is-- by far-- the most appropriate gift she received. Way to know your granddaughter! Little Miss Bossy, indeed!

"Oh, Wow! Oh my, that's cute!" The princess obviously loved the new clothes. We took Cinderella to Walmart on Tuesday to buy a new camera. Good thing she already knows how to sweep floors to pay off her debt!

Ally loads and unloads her people all day long into her big yellow bus. She even knows which one is the driver and if she's missing a passenger or two. "I lost a person! I can't find it!"

Two years old, and already too cute (and too bossy) for her own good. We love you anyway Ally, and we always will. . .

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