Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Ally's Sweet Sixteen (months)

While Ally is peacefully napping on the couch, I have snuck upstairs to try a new blogging skill-- posting a video (or 2 or 3). If all goes well, you should be able to click on the boxes and see our precious little one in action. You can even turn on the volume and hear my lame commentary, but please refrain from doing so in a public place. No one else really needs to hear me talk, including probably you. Anyway, cross your fingers and here we go with Ally's internet movie star debut. . .

First up: Ally will sit patiently on the stairs until she has your undivided attention, and then she'll give you some sweet lovin'.

Next: Ally's newest addiction. Ally was very much sold on raisins and goldfish, but she recently discovered a substance that trumps all other things she's ever tasted. She'll beg us to open the fridge so she can get to it. She knows exactly where it's kept in the door, and she knows to open her mouth WIDE and let the sweet deliciousness squirt in. . .

In case you missed it, here's another video of Ally trying to get the sweet fix all on her own. (Sorry it's sideways; I don't know how to correct that.)

P.S.- Ally is also prone to begging and screaming for TUMs. I wonder if she has a tummy ache from all that cream. Am I a bad mother?


Ariel said...

We got a real kick out of this video, partly because we keep Reddi Whip in our fridge for the exact same purpose.

Erin said...

Ally's such a cutie! I love your videos.
When I was pregnant and comsuming vast quantities of Tums, Aubree always wanted one too. We compromised by letting her have half a tablet. Glad to know Aubree wasn't alone in her love of "chalk".